这款超棒的套装汇集了纽约最具标志性的建筑群:熨斗大厦(Flatiron Building)、克莱斯勒大厦(Chrysler Building)、帝国大厦(Empire State Building)、世界贸易中心一号大厦(One World Trade Center)和自由女神像(Statue of Liberty),在瑰丽动人的天际线背景下展示了纽约建筑的精华所在。每个单独的乐高结构设计都是为了提供独特且有益的拼砌体验,且均采用了符合实物的色彩和相对成比例的呈现。这款奇妙的模型着重展示了作为全球最具活力城市之一的纽约,其所拥有的令人惊叹的建筑多样性。
Celebrate New York City with this LEGO® Architecture Skyline model!
Celebrate the architectural diversity of New York City with this detailed LEGO® brick model. The LEGO Architecture Skyline Collection offers models suitable for display in the home and office, and has been developed for all with an interest in travel, architectural culture, history and design. Each set is scaled to give an accurate representation of the comparative size of each structure, with true-to-life color depiction. This set features the Flatiron Building, Chrysler Building™, Empire State Building, One World Trade Center and the Statue of Liberty, and is finished with a decorative “New York City” nameplate.